Year of Establishment: 1985

Year of final Notification: (Section 26 of WPA, 19720: Notification No. FFW-B-F (6) -28/99 dated . 1.11.99.

Area: 66sq .Km.

Geographical location: District –Shimla,Sirmour 30o48’ 37”-30 o54’39”N, 77o 23’32”-77 o29 49”E

Altitude: 2, 000 to 3, 650m.

Climate: Rainfall -1500mm; Temperature : 5.0 C to 20.0C.

Vegetation: Forest types include Western Mixed coniferous , Kharsu Oak and alpine pastures. Forests of Deodar, Oak and other species

Reported Fauna: Common Langur ,Rhesus Macaque ,Leopard, Himalayan Black Bear, Wild Boar Indian Muntjac, Musk Deer, Goral , Royle ‘s Pika , Indian Porcupine, Koklas Pheasant , Himalayan Monal,Variegated Laughing thrush, Chestnut –tailed Monal, Grey-crested Tit,Black –crested Tit, White-tailed Nuthatch, Himalayan Green Finch, Red-headed Bullfinch, Bull finch.

Census Figures: (2002) : (1999-2000) Goral; (68). India Muntjac (76) Leopard (8), Black Bear (169),Monal (187), Jungle Fow (202) .

Conservation Issues and Land Use: Residents of 23 villages have rights to agriculture, extraction of timber , fuel wood and Minor forest produce, grazing and collection of fodder . Gujjars are given permits for grazing and periodically bring large numbers of livestock into the sanctuary and Six temporary caps are located within the WLS

Eco-tourism Spots: Churdhar Temple (Shiv Mahadev)

Eco-treks: Nohra-Churdhar -16KM, Chouras –Tissri-11kM, Dopti-Churdhar -16KM, Pulbahal-Dopti-8Km, Deedag-Tissri-19KM.

Best Period to visit: March–September.

Accommodation Available: Field Accommodation and Sarain at Choordhar and Hotels at Nohradhar,PWD Rest House at Nohradhar, Inspection Hut at Choras , FRH Sarain , Chopal Forest Division.

How to reach: 

  •  By road: Solan to Nohra (HQ of Sanctuary )-70KM,Shimla –Chopal- Sarain (103 Km); 
  •  Nearest Airport: Shimla -10 KM, Chandigarh -130 KM.
Contact Office: Range Forest Officer , Nohra dhar; DFO(WL) Shimla:Telephone No. 0177 -2623993